Science and stories from literally the coolest places on the planet! It’s said that the poles are the thermometer for the rest of the planet- what happens to the rest of us, has already been happening there for years. It’s easy with the state of the world currently to bunker down in a little private bubble, but its more essential than ever that we broaden our horizons and remember that there’s a world out there that is incredible- and needs us! And if that sounds too heavy for you then instead why not join us to escape as we take to on audial adventures to these strange and remote and beautiful places? We’ll speak to guests who’ve looked polar bears in the eye, who drive 12k ton ships through ice 9ft thick or who spend years doing science with no-one but three other people and thousands of penguins for company! These are Polar Times we live in. Join us, and we’ll take you there! An APECS Production (Association of Polar Early Career Scientists). Music credits: ”Scuba” - Metre Unaltered License: CC BY-NC-SA
Saturday Jan 02, 2021
Times they are a-changing!
Saturday Jan 02, 2021
Saturday Jan 02, 2021
Happy New Year to all Polar Times listeners!
On todays episode we are introducing some of the new members of the Polar Times team- you will be hearing from a lot of them in upcoming episodes as they strive to bring you more lovely polar content in 2021.
We introduce ourselves, chat about highlights from the polar world in 2020 and let you in on our plans for the podcast this coming year!
If you would like to get in contact with Polar Times to recommend a guest, volunteer to be a guest, give us some feedback or just ask a question then you can email us (thesearepolartimes@gmail.com) or tweet APECS @Polar_Research
We would love to hear from you!
Thanks, best a happy 2021 from the 2020/21 Polar Times Team
Episode edited by Ryan O'Hara
Cover art by Matthew Nelson
Music: "Scuba" by Metre, Nul Tiel Records, UK (unaltered) CC BY-NC-SA
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Do Rocks Get Sunburn?
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Our guest is Elizabeth Orr of the German Research Centre for Geosciences and this week on Polar Times she and your host Jack Buckingham are not going North and they're not going South either. Instead we investigate a previously unmentioned part of the cryosphere: alpine regions!
*does excited dance*
We chat about earth surface process, landscape evolution over the last million years (and more!) and the impacts climate change is having on our mountains. What is a glacier? Do rocks get sunburnt? How can you tell what mountains regions looked like so long ago? All these questions answered and some PLUS Fieldwork Funtimes from the Himalayas!
As always if you would like to contact us you can:
email: thesearepolartimes@gmail.com OR
tweet APECS: @Polar_Research
Episode edited by Elise Gallois
Cover art by Matthew Nelson
Music: "Scuba" by Metre, Nul Tiel Records, UK (unaltered) CC BY-NC-SA
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Sea Ice Modelling Explained
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Our guest on this weeks Polar Times is researcher Sean Horvath from the National Snow & Ice Data Center (NSIDC) and the University of Colorado Boulder. Sean and host Jack break down the complexities of using satellite data to model sea ice growth and shrinkage in the Arctic's future. We also return in fieldwork funtimes to the MOSAiC expedition and hear all about life on board the support vessel Akademik Federov!
If you would like to contact Polar Times you can email thesearepolartimes@gmail.com with questions and/or recommendations
OR you can tweet APECS: @Polar_Research
Episode edited by Elise Gallois
Cover art by Matthew Nelson
Music: "Scuba" by Metre, Nul Tiel Records, UK (unaltered) CC BY-NC-SA
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Polar Alien Hunters
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Today on Polar Times we're talking aliens! By which we mean invasive non-native species of course. Our guests today are Jesamine Bartlett from the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research and Arlie McCarthy of the University of Cambridge and British Antarctic Survey who are the founders of Polar Alien Hunters.
Your host, once again, is Jack Buckingham who will be asking WHAT are invasive species? HOW do they get to polar place? WHY are they bad news and most importantly CAN we do anything about it?
You can check out Polar Alien Hunters' great resources at: www.polaralienhunters.com or find the on twitter @Polar_Aliens
Email Polar Times at thesearepolartimes@gmail.com, tweet APECS @Polar_Research and let us know your questions for polar people or guest recommendations!
Episode edited by Elise Gallois
Cover art by Matthew Nelson
Music: "Scuba" by Metre, Nul Tiel Records, US (unaltered) CC BY-NC-SA
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Isobel Rowell
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Hello and welcome back! Today on Polar Times we have a palaeoclimatologist from the University of Cambridge and the British Antarctic Survey.
Join Jack Buckingham to hear all about her adventure to Sherman Island, drilling for ice cores as part of the Wacswain project (WArm Climate Stability of West Antarctic ice sheet in the last INterglacial!) and how we can use these icy time capsules to better predict what might happen to our climate in the future.
Email us at thesearepolartimes@gmail.com if you have any questions, recommendations or if you are a polar person who would like to be on PT!
Tweet APECS: @Polar_Research
Find the Wacswain group on Twitter: @wacswain
Read this guests excellent blog to find out more about their fieldwork at: https://blog.esc.cam.ac.uk/?author=36
Episode edited by Elise Gallois
Cover art by Matthew Nelson
Music "Scuba" by Metre, Nul Tiel Records, UK (unaltered) CC BY-NC-SA
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Jilda Caccavo
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Hi from Polar Times! Today's guest is marine biologist/conservation ecologist Jilda Caccavo of the Alfred Wegner Institute (AWI) and the Berlin Centre for Genomics in Biodiversity Research.
Your host once again is Jack Buckingham who chats to Jilda this week about Chilean sea bass a.k.a toothfish, managing fisheries in the Southern Ocean, target catch ratios (more interesting than they sound in Jilda's own words!) and securing scientific funding as an early career researcher!
Email us at thesearepolartimes@gmail.com if you have any questions for polar people or any guest recommendations, or tweet APECS at @Polar_Research.
Music: "Scuba" by Metre, Nul Tiel Records, UK (unaltered) CC BY-NC-SA
Cover art: Matthew Nelson
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Amy Richman
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Hello and welcome back to Polar Times! Our guest today is non-fiction documentary filmmaker Amy Richman of the University of Colorado Boulder.
Join Jack Buckingham once again to chat to her about her film "Drifting North: Into the Polar Night", filming it onboard a research vessel trapped in Arctic ice and what it's like being an artist on board a ship full of scientists!
If you have any questions for polar people or recommendations for whom you'd like to hear as a podcast guest, you can email us (thesearepolartimes@gmail.co), tweet us (@Polar_Research) or message us on Instagram (@apecs.polar).
Music: "Scuba" by Metre, Nul Tiel Records, UK (unaltered) CC BY-NC-SA
Cover art: Matthew Nelson
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Kirstie Jones-Williams
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Our first ever guest on Polar Times is marine biogeochemist and microplastic researcher Kirstie Jones-Williams (IG: @kirstiejoneswilliams) of the British Antarctic Survey and University of Exeter!
Join host Jack Buckingham to chat to her about microplastic in the Southern Ocean, hot-springs in Antarctica and making the most of PhD opportunities!
If you have any questions or recommendations for whom you'd like to hear as future guests on the podcast you can email APECS (info@apecs.is), Tweet us (@Polar_Research) or message on Instagram (apecs.polar).
Music: "Scuba" by Metre, Nul Tiel Records, UK (unaltered) CC BY-NC-SA
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Welcome to Polar Times!
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
A new podcast brought to you by APECS (Association of Polar Early Career Scientists). Science and stories from the coolest places on the planet. Literally...
In this trailer we just give you a bit of background on how/why Polar Times was set up and what to expect from the coming series.
If you have any questions or recommendations for whom you'd like to hear as guests on the podcast you can email APECS (info@apecs.is), Tweet us (@Polar_Research) or message on Instagram (apecs.polar).
Thanks for joining and we hope you enjoy!
Polar Times Team
Music: "Scuba" by Metre, Nul Tiel Records, UK (unaltered) CC BY-NC-SA